
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hey [mark],

This is weird.

And kinda scary. 

I'll tell you why in a while...

But first more on this weird guy - Peng Joon

This guy banked over $1.2 million in sales selling  a tiny small
ebook on....
(ready for this?)


(Farmville? WTH! Can you believe it?)

He had no sales upsells...

He didn't even use his real name! It was marketed  under a pen
name, Tony Sanders YET he was able to generate over a one million
Just 1 single damn ebook.

The weird part? HE HAD ZERO JVS.  Naysayers said it was a fluke...
it couldn't be done again and now... 

He's showing everyone how he did it, with just the laptop and
the internet, starting form ZERO ... while he's on VACATION!
Watch the video here:

>>>>got the product page<<<<

Be prepared to be blown away...


P.S. I just wanted to mention that he built a list
of over 300,000+ subscribers under 18 months as
well. oh and yea...he's telling you how as well here:

Dear Friend :
The fact that you're on this page tells me something about you.
There are answers you seek, and one of them - I am very sure - is the secret to making real money online.
You know what I'm talking about - the secret that's been promised to you ever since you discovered internet marketing...
It's been a life-changing secret for myself, my friends and countless others.
In the next few minutes I'm going to reveal how I make money online doing something I've perfected over the years to enjoy an endless parade of 5-6 figure paychecks.
And the best part is you will only need 2 things - your computer and the Internet - it's that simple!

Here are a few of my successes through the years:

>>>>got the product page<<<<

I've been asked by friends and family how this works, and I'll get to that in a second
... But first I want to give you a bit of my background, because it's important for you to understand that although I didn't grow up poor, life wasn't always smooth sailing either.
You see, being raised in a conservative Asian family I was always told to study hard, get good grades, get a high-flying job, start a family, and before you know it you're 65 and dozing off on your rocking chair in a nursing home wondering how you let life pass you by.
It follows that acing tests came naturally and I had no problems securing a conditional government scholarship to study abroad.
I truly felt on top of the world and nothing could stop me.

>>>>got the product page<<<<